Brian’s Blog Entries
Thanks to District 12 - Public Safety to be Proud of
So, should the people of the Twelfth District be absolutely thankful for the men and women protecting them and their families? Damn straight
The Importance of Learning in Law Enforcement - a Segway to the 4th Amendment Series
Keshia’s incredible academic work illustrates the importance of the law enforcement profession getting into the information game. The assault on truth and facts has been devastating to the public safety of our communities.
Why Libertarians Should Strongly Object to Drug Legalization
Freidman said when what other people do affects a third party, then the law has a role. Mill said that as soon as a person’s conduct prejudicially effects the interests of others, the State has jurisdiction over it. Does outlawing methamphetamine pass Friedman’s most basic test? With tears in their eyes, the family of Nikky Green would say that it does
The Homeless Problem - Is it the Symptom or the Disease?
Is it plausible that scores of people were taking a dump in the street for generations completely unnoticed or that public defecation was as much a part of the 1980’s as the Cold War, acid washed jeans, and break dancing? Or is it more likely that the levels of drug addiction and psychosis have recently dramatically increased due to some new external cause.
Major Revision Starting in January
Hope you all will follow along as we work to advance law enforcement. This will be a master class in legal training for officers and prosecutors.
When is Probable Cause “Stale?”
[P]robable cause becomes “stale” simply when the information is so old that there is no longer a fair probability that the evidence is in the particular location.
An Angel’s Gift to the World
Abigail’s book is not simply a great work for a young person, but a great book in and of itself. I feel blessed that my daughter and I were able to benefit from Abigail’s imagination, creativity, and talent …
The Real Consequences of Bail Reform
It’s pretty easy to play poker with someone else’s chips. As we saw last week, sometimes those chips are lives of the innocent.
The Insane Amount of THC Allowed Under Oklahoma Law
[A] medical marijuana card in Oklahoma allows the user to possess the THC equivalent of a 15 year, 9 month supply of the scientifically approved dosage.
A Book Written by the Officer Shot in the Breonna Taylor Incident - The Truth You Have Not Heard.
John delivered a tremendous presentation and every officer at my table was infuriated when we heard the truth – which was markedly different than the narrative portrayed in the media.
A Tale of One City
And the irony hit me like a punch – here we are, traveling to Washington D.C. to tell lawmakers that the existence of drug law and the enforcement thereof will make our communities noticeably safer …but the single greatest example of the visible devastation caused by reducing drug laws and the enforcement thereof was our nation’s capital itself.